The challenge of appealing to Millennials and Generation Z

Dividing age groups into manageable, targetable sections makes a lot of sense, but of course it does not come without drawbacks.

Amino acid-based surfactants: more than just ‘natural’!

Amino acids are key components of the human metabolism: Glutamate (Fig 1a), for instance, is the most important substance in the brain to transport information from one nerve cell to another. It is a neurotransmitter.

Water quality that is more than skin deep

Water is one of the most important and widely used ingredients in the production of cosmetic and personal care products. Therefore, ensuring the quality of this vital ingredient is crucial.

Appealing concepts for the whole family

In the past, the general care and hygiene of children was very much left to women, and therefore products designed to be used for children were targeted towards mothers. This meant that all aspects of the product – the packaging, the brand, the fragrance – were engineered to appeal to female senses.

Enhancing nocturnal processes for beautiful skin

Ashland has unlocked the secret of our skin at night so you can awaken like Sleeping Beauty from your slumber, with skin re-set for the day ahead. Ashland Nightessence™ biofunctional was developed to enhance the naturally occurring nocturnal process that helps skin boost molecules such as timezyme and melatonin.

Sensitive skin: an ultra-sensitive topic

Numerous epidemiological studies show that the number of people claiming to have sensitive skin is increasing every year in the world. Long underestimated, the impact of sensitive skin syndrome is finally recognised.

Inflammasomes: key to the engine of skin inflammaging

Regardless of the steps people take to fight the ageing process, we all continue to age. Our skin becomes the most predominately visible cue of the ageing process. Formation of wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, thinning and similar changes become the hallmarks of the ageing process.

Certified content brings transparency to natural claims

Natural cosmetics and personal care products are not just a fleeting trend but rather a movement that is disrupting the entire industry.

Leveraging sustainability for advantage

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of ambitious objectives to mobilise efforts to end poverty,to smaller, marginalised groups who might not otherwise have access. ensure peace and prosperity, and safeguard the planet and humanity. As an interwoven framework, these objectives have a bearing on diverse aspects of personal care industry operations.

Antimicrobial testing: what do the results mean?

Tests designed to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of a product, such as a preservative in a cosmetic, a sanitiser in a household cleaner, or a disinfectant, have set pass requirements.

What today’s consumers want from personal care

With consumers’ needs and expectations evolving at pace, it is important for the personal care industry to adapt and realign to meet changing priorities.

Safety testing: how vegan are your products?

According to Google trends, interest in ‘veganism’ increased seven-fold in the last five years, 2014 and 2019,1 and it does not appear to be slowing down any time soon. In fact, it is predicted that by 2040, only 40% of the global population will be consuming meat, with 35% consuming ‘clean’ (lab) meat and 25% vegan meat replacements.2

Sucrose esters concentrated emulsion technology

Sisterna has studied the efficacy of high HLB sucrose esters for the production of transparent ‘oil-gel’ emulsions, that turn into milk when diluted with water upon use (gel-to-milk).

Natural anti-acne extract aids healthy skin microbiota

Although a number of facts on the physiopathological mechanisms of acne are now well established, it is still unclear what triggers the inflammatory disease of the sebaceous follicle. Very recently, there has been a paradigm shift in the understanding of the role of Cutibacterium acnes(C. acnes, formerly Propionibacterium acnes) in the pathophysiology of acne.

Analysis of ‘The trilogy of lifting’

Wrinkle minimization is the Holy Grail of cosmetic actives development. Since the creation of the first anti-aging formulations, the topic has been explored from every angle.

Keratosis pilaris quantified by two test methods

Keratosis pilaris (KP) is one of the most common skin imperfections that results from follicular hyperkeratosis. It is characterized by an accumulation of corneocytes forming a keratinized plug which blocks and then dilates the hair follicle, sometimes associated with perifollicular erythema 1 (Figs 1-2). Because of its bad cosmetic appearance, KP can be socially disabling.2

Leading international exhibitors and speakers

In an industry that is constantly innovating and evolving, there is one constant, the NYSCC Suppliers’ Day, May 5-6, at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. The event provides the latest trends, scientific findings, global ingredients, raw materials and solutions to invigorate formulations and accelerate beauty and personal care product developments.

The leading consumer trends of 2020

Every year, Euromonitor International identifies emerging and fast-moving trends that we expect to gain traction in the year ahead. These trends provide insight into changing consumer values, exploring how consumer behavior is shifting and causing disruption for businesses globally.

Understanding botanical oils for cosmetics

Plants offer us plenty of beneficial substances for health and beauty, as supported by its ancient use. Scientific research allows identification of the active substances present in plants, proving their properties, and discovering new bioactivities

Actives fight exposome induced oxidative stress

Half of the worldwide population lives in cities and is exposed daily to urban pollution. Consequently, pollution has become a public health crisis. By 2030, the urban population will reach 60% and up to 70% by 2050.

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