Skin tightening boosted in anti-ageing applications

Tight, moisturised skin is a universal symbol of youth and health, and the desire for skin perfection is a global beauty endeavour among consumers. Given the world’s ageing population, the market for products that support the vitality and wellbeing of skin at any age can only continue to grow.

Silicones have a long history of performance in skin care products, and their versatility continues to expand. In a new application for specialty silicone materials, research shows silicone filmformers can play a role in skin tightening formulations that lift and firm the face. Now formulators can create anti-ageing skin care products that not only provide an instantaneous tightening sensation, but also ensure comfort. The result is a new level of performance – tested and validated – with lasting effects and a skin feel that is easy to wear.

A new option for skin care

The effectiveness of these silicone filmformers does not require creation of a new product category, but rather is a natural extension to facial care and anti-ageing products, allowing for new applications in both mass market and premium lines. It also suggests new entry into anti-ageing products, a natural response to a growth market. 

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