Preventing skin cancer: new technologies needed?

UK startup Kutanios explains why new sun care ingredients that offer better protection from the effects of UV light, and are non- absorbable, more stable and eco-friendly would be welcome additions to the personal care sector

For many years, all common skin cancers - melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and basal cell carcinoma (BCC) - have been increasing worldwide in people with fair skin. Data from the UK and Poland are shown in Figure 1.1,2

In the USA, the incidence of SCC increased 2.45-fold during 1980-2005, and that of BCC 3.65-fold; during 1982-2011 melanomas rose twofold.3 More people now develop skin cancer in USA than all other cancers combined, and one in five Americans will develop it by age 70 years.4-6

This has happened despite increasing sales of sunscreens, and several improvements in formulation: increases in the SPF numbers of UVB filters, and the addition of UVA filters, antioxidants, stabilizers, and inorganic filters.7 Very little of the rise can be explained by the increase in UV penetration due to stratospheric ozone depletion.8,9

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