Boosting SPF with colloidal lignin particles

Lignin is a widely available biopolymer with UV protection and antioxidant properties, but traditional bulk lignins are unsuitable for cosmetics. Lignovations has developed a patented and green technology to produce colloidal lignin particles (CLP). In this article, CLP is demonstrated to be an effective SPF booster in organic and mineral sunscreen products


Lignin is a widely available biopolymer with UV protection and antioxidant properties, but traditional bulk lignins are unsuitable for cosmetics. Lignovations has developed a patented and green technology to produce colloidal lignin particles (CLP). In cooperation with the Vienna University of Technology (TU WIEN) their successful application in cosmetic products was demonstrated. In the present work, CLP are used as an effective SPF booster in organic and mineral sunscreen products, featuring an increase of the in vivo SPF by up to 50% or 11 SPF points.

Exposure to sunlight has various benefits, including producing vitamin D and improving one’s wellbeing.1-3 On the contrary, too much unprotected sun exposure can lead to sunburn, hyperpigmentation, photoageing, skin photosensitization, and in the worst case, skin cancer.2

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