Claims substantiation and user trials

In 2016 it was estimated that the European cosmetic market was worth €77 billion and that about 25% of all cosmetics placed on the market each year are new.1 Product claims and advertising play an important part in persuading customers to purchase cosmetic products.

 In this article we will take a closer look at the common criteria, experimental studies, consumer perception tests and published information. We have also included an insight into how user trials work based on our experience with First Beauty. 

What is a claim?

According to article 20 of regulation (EC) 1223/2009 cosmetic claims can be text, names, trademarks, pictures and figurative or other signs that convey the product’s characteristics or function. These claims can be in the form of labelling, advertising or how the product is made available on the European market. Cosmetic products cannot claim to have characteristics and functions that they do not have. 

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