Essential oils fuel a global natural mega-trend

In our fast-paced world there is one megatrend that has dominated for well over a decade. No other trend can even start to compete with ‘naturalness’.

This concept has taken hold of the food industry and the cosmetics industry; the construction industry has a new focus on more naturalness and fashion has gone organic. Cosmetics, personal care and the health industries are key drivers in this development and are busy creating a constant stream of new products. Nature not only serves as a wellspring of inspiration, it is also the ideal source in every respect: the raw materials are renewable, many have a proven efficacy – and enjoy a very positive image among consumers. 

Essential oils are a key component which allows businesses and brands to persuasively demonstrate their commitment to this trend. As purely natural products, essential oils are obtained from plants: from roots, leaves, bark, wood, resin, peel, flowers or seeds. Appealing as this advantage is, it can also leave suppliers facing considerable challenges, as the quality of natural raw materials depends on a wide range of different factors. 

Essential oils: a complex topic

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