Brexit and its impact on the personal care industry

A referendum held in the UK on 23 June 2016 resulted in one of the most important political changes in Britain’s post-war history.

. Fifty-two per cent of the voters decided that the country should leave the EU, and with the government promising to act on the wishes of the voters this means the UK will remove itself (through a very complex process) from EU laws and membership of the single market. 

Even now we are nearing a year after the vote, much remains to be clarified. But what is certain is that the economic landscape is likely to change substantially as a result. For this issue of Personal Caremagazine, which is published the same month that incosmetics Global returns to London, we have asked some of the leading ingredient manufacturers, distributors and associations to put forward their views on Brexit and how it will affect the personal care industry in the years to come.

Ingredient manufacturers

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